The complete digital solution for musculoskeletal health

Core Services
A musculoskeletal (MSK) digital triage and assessment tool that goes further by providing self-management programs, prevention programs and connects to healthcare networks. The complete digital solution for musculoskeletal health.

Assess and Triage
Digital triage and assessments categorise and provisionally diagnose musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions, to provide personalised rehabilitation exercise programs, or refer to appropriate medical care. Our assessments are immediately available and mobile accessible, reducing pressures on traditional healthcare services.

Evidence-based exercise programs covering 26 common MSK conditions are informed by the analysis of over 100,000 rehabilitation programs. Programs are progressive in response to user feedback and suitable for at home or the workplace. We ensure exercises selected for rehabilitation programs are proven for optimal recovery.

A library of stretching, mobility, and strengthening programs are available for everyone to stay strong and healthy, and prevent MSK conditions. This includes the ‘Office 5’ and ‘Mobility 5’ programs to break up repetitive and sedentary work. Our health education videos provide helpful information for a wide range of issues on physical and mental wellbeing.

Health Management
Monitor rehabilitation progress using the symptom-tracker and check-in notifications. Review program activity, step count, and other physical activity. Log physical exercise and sporting activity completed outside of the app, and track strength and aerobic activity levels against World Health Organization guidelines.

Analytics & Reporting
The TrackActive Me admin dashboard shows anonymised data to provide organisations a real-time insight into the physical health of their employees or customers. Bespoke analytics are available to further understand user engagement and effectiveness of the TrackActive Me application.

Healthcare Network
When required the application refers users to their doctor, our UK-wide network of physiotherapists or an existing occupational health provider. This is for conditions that are more complex or require additional medical assistance.

DSE Self Assessments
TrackActive Me provides Display Screen Equipment (DSE) assessments for employees and customers. The DSE self-assessment provides an employee with information on corrective actions for a safe and effective workstation. Organisations can review assessment outcomes in a secure portal and identify workstation risks which may require further intervention.
Cost Savings and Benefits
Reduction in employee days off work due to MSK conditions.
Reduction in days at work where productivity is adversely affected by MSK conditions.
Average improvement in patient-reported pain and symptom scores.
Who We Work With