Frequently asked questions

How does the app know what my problem is?

A chatbot asks you questions about your condition and then analyses your answers to provide the likely diagnosis of your problem. The clinical algorithms have been developed by a team of world leading clinicians and have been validated through a process undertaken by London South Bank University.

How does the app know what treatment exercises I should do?

The exercise programs have been designed from the best available scientific evidence. For every exercise prescribed in the app there is a link to information showing why that particular exercise is effective for treating a condition like yours. Furthermore, the analysis of the outcomes of 100,000 rehabilitation programs has been used to guide the decision on what exercises to include in treatment programs.

Is the app safe to use?

The digital assessments and exercise programs have been built by experienced physiotherapists and occupational therapists. Furthermore, clinical governance has been undertaken by London South Bank University to ensure the application accurately identifies and engages with people who are suitable to undertake the exercises. The application can identify musculoskeletal conditions that pose any critical risks to the health of the user and provides them alternative pathways of care.

I don’t have any injuries or pain, can I still use the app?

Yes. Strength, Pilates, Yoga or Stretching programs for proactively maintaining your health can be created with the help of the chatbot. Try the intelligent ‘Stay Strong and Healthy ’ program which personalises a program just for you. There is also a program called the ‘Office 5 under 5 mins’ which actively encourages movement for sedentary workers.

Can it create a program for any condition?

Whilst many conditions are easily and effectively treated with exercises, if the evidence suggests that the best approach for your condition is to see or speak to a practitioner then the app will advise you of this. Some things are best treated by clinicians, or require further investigation before starting an exercise program.

Don’t I need to see a physio if I have pain?

Many common conditions such as low back pain are effectively managed without ‘hands-on’ treatment. In fact, some research demonstrates even better outcomes in people who choose to self-manage a condition once they have the right advice and exercises. Clinical algorithms determine the best course of action, and the app checks in with you regularly throughout your program to monitor your progress. So you might not need to book in with a practitioner at all!

How do I know if I’m doing the exercises correctly?

Exercises are described in both written and video format to ensure correct technique is demonstrated. The app also includes a timer to count rest and activity time for the exercises.

How does the app adapt the exercises for me?

Your exercise program progresses with your feedback. So if an exercise or program isn’t quite right for you, or it’s becoming too easy, the app will adjust the program to be more suitable.

Can the app track my steps?

Yes, the app integrates with your health data on your phone to track your steps each day.

What happens if I feel pain during an exercise?

For the rehabilitation programs, if the exercise or program doesn’t feel right (painful, too easy, too hard) then you can tell the app. The app will either adjust the exercise automatically or you will be asked if you wish to move to an easier program.

Do I need a gym or equipment to do the exercises?

The exercises are designed to be performed at your home or office, using just your body, or some simple items such as hand weights.

Can I book an appointment or speak to a physiotherapist through the application?

Yes. If you wish to see a physiotherapist we will provide details of qualified and registered physiotherapists close to you. You can also choose to have a video-based consultation with a physiotherapist. You can request these appointments directly through the app.

Have there been any trials to test it?

Clinical trials are currently underway in the UK, with a group of GP’s working in the NHS offering this app to their patients to treat musculoskeletal pain. There are also trials being undertaken with large insurance organisations.

Is my data secure?

The app does not share your personal data with anyone, and is compliant with the Australian Privacy Principles and European GDPR laws.

Is the app free?

The app is free if you want to undertake an assessment and trial an exercise or treatment program. After you have completed the program once, if you wish to continue we will ask you to sign up for a 7-day trial of a monthly or annual subscription. After that period ends you will be charged. You can cancel your subscription at any time.

How do I cancel my subscription?

If you paid through Apple or Google, please go to ‘My Subscription’ in the ‘Me’ section of the app to cancel your subscription. If you paid via the web, please log in to your account via the website. Click on ‘My Account’ and then ‘Cancel subscription’.

I’m responsible for the health of other people. Can I offer it to them?

Yes, definitely. We work with a range of occupational health, insurance and NHS organisations who are responsible for the health of their members or employees. If you wish to offer TrackActive Me to your customers or employees please contact us.