Knee sprain

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Knee strains and sprains occur when your knee joint is forced into an awkward position. This places stress on the supporting tissues of the knee. These supporting tissues include the ligaments and capsule of the knee joint. It can occur with slips, twisting, or impacts with the knee.

These forces can be strong enough to tear the ligaments supporting the knee. It can damage the meniscus, the fibrocartilage that sits between the two bones of the knee joint. Some people experience a popping or tearing sensation at the time of injury. They may have sensations of clicking, locking or giving way of the knee that makes walking very difficult.

If you have none of these symptoms and only pain that is manageable, then it is likely the damage is not bad. It will usually improve over 4-6 weeks. If your injury is recent and there is swelling you should apply ice to your knee for 20 minutes several times per day. A compression bandage can also help reduce swelling.

It is important to start exercises to reduce swelling, improve range of motion and keep your knee muscles strong.

The program within TrackActive Me will guide you through exercises to do just this. If you don’t notice an improvement or you develop new symptoms then see a doctor or physiotherapist.

It is important while doing this program to avoid activities that cause you pain.  Activities like running may need to wait until you have recovered. In the meantime, keep active with other exercises that don’t cause you knee pain. You can also choose from our library of pilates, stretching and upper body strengthening programs. Just select ‘Stay Strong and Healthy’ in the TrackActive Me chat feature.

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